Healius Limited Training Platform


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Access to this site is limited to contractors, students and labour hire agencies undertaking work for Healius and its subsidiaries.

This induction program is to be completed by:

  • Principal contractor/subcontractor
  • Employees of contractors
  • Training organisation
  • Students undertaking placement
  • Imaging and other Technical Service Engineers
  • Agency, student nurses, and labour hire workers


Principal contractor or principal subcontractor must complete the Contractor/subcontractor (Principal) induction program and provide all required documents, licenses and insurance coverage. Your employees are to complete the Contractor/subcontractor (Employee) induction.

Employee of Contractors

If you are not a Principal contractor, complete the Healius Employee of contractor Induction.

Training organisations

Training organisations are to undertake the Training organisation induction and provide documents and insurance coverage.


Students are to undertake the Student induction program.

Imaging Service Engineers

Imaging Service Engineers are to complete the Imaging – Diagnostic Imaging equipment service engineer induction.

Other Technical Service Engineers

Technical Service Engineers are to complete the Healius Employee of contractor Induction

Agency, student nurses and labour hire workers

All agency placement, student nurses and labour hire workers are to complete this induction

At the completion of induction, you must keep a record (photo or hard copy) of your induction card. This card must be presented before any work activities including placement that are performed at a Healius Ltd site. Failure to produce a current induction card, will result in you being refused entry to the site.


Don't have an account?
Create an account, otherwise recover your password if you have forgotten it.

For assistance, please contact: contractor@healius.com.au